
Saturday, June25—Session IV, Room #2 (2010)
2:20p.m. ~ 3:35 p.m. Conference Presentation Session IV
Presentation Room #2 (2010) Theme: Internationalization of Chinese Higher Education |
Chair |
Amber Deig |
2:20 ~ 2:45 |
Jinyan Huang |
The Road to Success: A Case Study of Dual Degree Programs for English Major Students at a Chinese University |
2:45 ~ 3:10 |
Wanhua Wang |
Dual Degree Programs for English Major Students at a Chinese University: Benefits and Pitfalls |
3:10 ~ 3:35 |
Changhan Zhao |
The Curriculum Design Dilemmas of Dual Degree Programs for English Major Students at a Chinese University |
Saturday, June25—Session IV, Room #2 (2010)
Theme:Internationalizationof Chinese Higher Education
Chair: Amber Deig
TheRoad to Success: A Case Study of Dual Degree Programs for English MajorStudents at a Chinese University
Jinyan Huang— WuhanInstitute of Technology, China
Abstract: Thispresentation reports a case study about the ten years’ higher education reformat a Chinese university. Specifically, dual degree programs have been developedand implemented for English major students at that university so that theseprograms could prepare the students better for the changing job market.Important implications are discussed.
DualDegree Programs for English Major Students at a Chinese University: Benefitsand Pitfalls
Wanhua Wang—WuhanInstitute of Technology, China
Abstract:Thedual degree integrative programs of “English+ another major” (E+ model) wasdeveloped and implemented in 2005 at a Chinese university with its core ideaslying in two aspects. One is the cultivation of overall quality which can berealized by instrumental function and integrative function of English teaching.The other is the cultivation of international compound talents achieved by theorganic integration of the courses of English and another major. Thispresentation discusses the benefits and pitfalls of the dual degree programs.
TheCurriculum Design Dilemmas of Dual Degree Programs for English Major Studentsat a Chinese University
Changhan Zhao—WuhanInstitute of Technology, China
Abstract:Duringthe last decade,academic program innovations have taken place at aChinese university. The dual degree programs for English major students areproved to be effective and successful. They won the second prize of NationalTeaching Award of China in 2014, which provides a successful example for thereform and development of English education in China. This presentationdiscusses the curriculum design dilemmas of dual degree programs for Englishmajor students at that university.